Monday, December 2, 2013

This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep Drunk On The Streets Of India

I know that such stories are not common but they do happen with these big snakes. No matter if it's true that the snake ate an adult person is not important. That bugger ate SOMETHING bigger than itself. It would have taken an hour to stuff a person down it's gullet.


Dr. Theda said...

Read about this one at "Strange Days Indeed News".... interesting ....
This gives us an Idea for a great post....

Dr. Theda said...

Thank you good Sir Kal...
We listened to the Johnny Cash song Many times as a kid ...
So we made a post ... and got to post the enjoyable "Monster Movie".... Grabbers"... (which I am sure will be pulled from viewing very soon...) .
And have an assortment of First issues of some comics to send you as well my Friend ...

Tim Knight said...

Turns out it's a hoax:

I can go back to organising my pub crawl around Delhi now without fear of giant snakes ;)