Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Have Been Telling You Humans For Years That Johnny Quest Had Two Daddies

They also adopted one of those Hindu or Muslim chidren (whatever Haiji is) just to piss off the Religious Right.


Konsumterra said...

or a Sikh?

Timothy S. Brannan said...

One of the reasons why our Generation has no issue with any sort of family.

dan muray said...

Stil is the best cartoon ever and the best intro song....still wows me after almost 50 years.
dan murray

Mike said...

Ridiculous. Dr Quest had a child and Race loved Jade. To cast them in a homosexual light is to spread ignorance for political gain.

Brian said...

Yes, good point, no gay man has ever had a child.

BTW, lighten up, Francis.

DrZin said...

Agree whole-heartedly with Dan and Mike. The show was so stand-out awesome and monumental to us GenX kids, that to besmirch the show with nonsense and perversion borders on the sacrilegious.