Monday, April 21, 2014

Most Days I Don't Even Think About Her

But in those moments when I can't force her from my thoughts, I still find myself smiling more often than feeling resentment or pain.


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Ahhhh love *sigh* ...a many tentacled beast or splendorous romp of youth? Hard to tell sometimes nowadays

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Time heals all wounds, they say.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I hear you brother. I'm working on a piece right now inspired by someone who broke my heart.

Gotta get it out there or it'll fester.

Michael Lynn P. said...

Kal, you are a magnificent man. I do not know the nature of this post, but I can only guess that it was a story of love that did not end well. I hope you are doing well, and though I know we have not talked much lately, I do think of you all the time and hope you are doing well. Hopefully some things will slow down and I'll be able to talk with ya soon!

Anthony Simeone said...

My brother, I don't believe there's such a thing as "once" when it comes to light attaching to a girl. Hope springs eternal, if we stop insisting on sticking our fingers in the leaks.

Anonymous said...

I suffer from a broken heart too, sad stuff. I still love him :(
Let's sing together and blog away!! :D

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm in! What should we sing?

profsafety said...

It's tough, I know. But the best thing is to move on and make a better life. I've always believed; "The best revenge is to live well."

profsafety said...
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