Monday, June 1, 2015

Birthday Boy On The Hunt For Toys

I decided to do some toy shopping today and get a Five Guys burger for lunch. I really know how to live it up on my fiftieth don't I? Well, why should this day be different from any other?
I can do this toy shopping with more verve than usual because I got FIFTY BUCKS in Toys R Us money from long time commenter Debra. I love this woman and everything she brings to my blog. She doesn't have to like everything I post about but she always has a comment to share. We live a city apart but have never met. I have no idea what she even looks like because she likes to blog anonymously. I like that. I can respect that kind of relationship and I value her friendship most because it's perfectly on our terms. I will share what I purchase with her generous gift. Thank you again my friend.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun!

Tim Knight said...

Happy birthday, old timer! 'Bout time to take a seat on the porch 'n start tell in' them young 'uns to "get off your lawn!"

Dr. Theda said...

Happy Birthday good Sir....
and may you have a Great Day....