Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Think I Am Going To Be Catfished

I just got asked to follow a person on Facebook. I am their first and only friend. They are an attractive young lady in her 20s. First clue is that such girls don't pursue relationships with creepy old Facebook geriatrics who add captions to animal images. He also collects toy and lives with his Mother. Works for me and I get to look after her home so she can travel freely. This is not the kid of guy that a regular girl finds interesting.

Now this girl just HAPPENED to live in Africa and I can see from her English replies that there are holes in her education that are also suspicion. I feel honored that someone would want to lie to me. Just to meet me? Just to trick me? I have nothing to offer. I am not a cute aspiring teen rapper.

Damn. They have already been found and punished by Facebook by removing their fake identity and our conversation. Damn, there goes my chance to be CATFISHED. Am I not even good enough to be fooled by someone telling me lies about myself.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It could've been fun while it lasted.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know...

Unknown said...

Hey Cal, friend me on Facebook. I probably won't catfish you.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...


Simon B said...

Hey Cal, I'm glad to be your Facebook friend. I may not be as pretty as the ( imaginary? ) girl above, but I'll bet she's not as good at finding grisly photos of cephalopods to post on your timeline :-)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Which is much more important to me.

david_b said...

"...Love Facebook Style.."

The latest generation of restraining orders, served fresh daily.