Thursday, June 11, 2015

Is It Just Me Who Noticed This?

I don't watch the TV show so I don't know if there are any scenes of these children wearing glasses. In every picture I see of them, however, there isn't anyone in glasses. In all that family there is NO ONE that needs prescription eyewear?? Or is it that they are never checked and that is another thing that the family just leaves to GOD to sort out? Add to this their goofy homeschooling curriculum and I wonder if any of these children are even literate or can see well enough to read a book or the chalkboard.




Some scriptures say that no one of imperfect sight may approach the temple of the Lord...

Unknown said...

Actually, two of the girls wear glasses, and several have contacts. There was an episode where they go to the eyedoctor with one of the girls.

I'm only posting this because your post depressed me enough to look into it, and I feel like their lives are SLIGHTLY less horrible than it seems.

The kids take off their glasses for photos. Which is also awful. But less so.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for doing that research for me Ryan. I am obsessed with what happens to the little ones now and the next generation of Duggers on TV because those girls will get their own show to continue the family business.

Mike D. said...

you never saw glasses on Poppa Jupe's boys either did ya?