Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tales From The Collection Of Cool

There is nothing better than finding a collectible that I forgot I had in the first place. I remember buying this for 40 dollars when the first Captain America movie came out. It was part of my display for a year or more but then went into the closet. Today I cleaned said closet and it as Christmas in June. I really love this piece. It screams 'DISPLAY ME!!'.

We all practiced throwing garbage can lids without much success as kids because we all wanted be Captain America, even if we were only Canadians. This one is just a fancy garbage can lid but it is life size and for the price it's a great substitute for the real replica prop that costs upwards of $600.


j-swin said...

Very nice piece. It's always great finding something you'd forgotten in the closet, kind of like finding $20 in an old pair of pants.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Frisbee, anyone? Hey, I was at the Pride Parade yesterday and there was a guy dressed as Thor, LOL! I didn't get a great look at him, so I'm not exactly sure what he had on underneath that red cape. Probably best not to know.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I found a fifty in a drawer just this week when I was cleaning up my room. I thought it was an advert at firs but it was the real deal. I ate the fancy Chinese food that night.

j-swin said...

Awesome. That's the sweetest sweet n sour chicken you can get.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

extra crispy wonton

david_b said...

I drool at it everytime I see it..
