Friday, August 28, 2015

All I Ask Is That You Keep The Human Flesh Out Of My Grocery Products

How does human flesh enter the food chain unless ONE of us puts it there? I want to talk to these TIM TAM people. And does it happen so often that a warning is needed on the label? And does it have to be specifically warning of HUMAN FLESH? Are you using orphans to make your products because they are small and can fit more easily into your crushing and dicing machines? I just don't understand.


Professor Chaos said...

It's people! Tim Tam is people!!!!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

How does human flesh enter the food chain unless ONE of us puts it there? I want to talk to these TAM TAM people. And does it happen so often that a warning is needed on the label? And does it have to be specifically warning of HUMAN FLESH.