Saturday, September 26, 2015

There Is Always Room For Squirrel Girl



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't understand your attraction to this character but I am a tolerant person.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Becauses she's a girl AND a squirrel and can't be defeated. She's beat them all. Wolverine too. I have to repost that scene of their fight. You wait. You will love her one day too. She's like Rocket Racoon...only a girl and a squirrel. Where do they think up these characters?

Jack Norman said...

Your enthusiasm for superhero-themed leather jackets is contagious! It's great that you've found a place that offers such unique and cool designs, even if they come with a higher price tag. The desire to have one of these jackets despite wishing for a different body size is relatable, and it's inspiring that you're using your weight loss journey as motivation.

The idea of rewarding yourself with a new leather jacket when you hit the 70 lbs lost mark is a fantastic way to celebrate your achievements. Leather jackets are not only stylish but also practical in various weather conditions, making them a versatile and timeless wardrobe piece.

Doing some research beforehand to find the perfect jacket is a smart approach. Exploring different styles and options will ensure that you get exactly what you want and will make the reward even more meaningful.

Best of luck on your weight loss journey, and here's to hoping you find the superhero-themed leather jacket of your dreams as a well-deserved reward! If you ever need recommendations or assistance during your research, feel free to reach out.

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Jack Norman said...

Champion Belts said...

You're doing awesome work. You might wanna check champion belts.