Saturday, November 14, 2015

Ed The Sock Was All Canadian

I am such a big fan of Ed The Sock (Steve Kerzner) who had the greatest gonzo live show on Friday nights during the 90s. You can find all his stuff on the You Tubes. His Halloween show was always especially good and filthy because it was on late night on a local T.O. station and the CRTC tended to look the other way late at night on Canadian TV especially the French channel.

Lots of sexy strippers in hot tubs was Ed's show and his sidekick was one of the first cute cosplay type girls that I looked up on the slowly forming Internet. Liana K was the bomb and cute and sexy and geeky and funny - basically a regular Canadian girl. She got the joke and was fearless. Looking at these old pictures remind me of just how much I crushed on her back in the day.

Like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog who this article compares Ed to, he is a foul mouthed puppet who is especially good at keeping the conversation interesting. Ed is definitely NOT starstruck by famous people. In fact he has contempt for most of them who like Nickelback are almost clueless that the joke is really on them.

Ed spoke truth to power. Viva Ed The Sock!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I just LOVED Ed the Sock! I always thought that Triumph the Insult Dog was a blatant rip off of his act.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am so glad to hear that you know of his work. You are the real deal my friend.

Simon B said...

I have no idea who Ed the Sock is... but the girl's cute :-)