Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Have Seen The Future Of Blogging And I Am Not A Part Of It

I was reading this interview that my friend Megan gave to The Bronze Review. This was something I thought about approaching her with since she is a friend on the Facebooks. Someone beat me to it and did the job 100 times better than I could have. Look at the page he designed around the interview. That is professional. I love the whole look of this blog. But you can't call it a blog now can you? It's better than that. I know it.
Now I feel like such a hack. What's next, Calvin, flying toasters?
I understand now. I am the Fred Flintstone of blogging and I suck.
But go read this page. This is awesome stuff and Megan's interview is great and she is great. Just a really nice person who is always very kind to me.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

So? He uses a different template than you. What's the big whoop?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's just so much better than my template which is old and tired and I am too old and tired to change it. And I know that. It's like what happened when all my favorite songs were on the oldies station.

DrGoat said...

Your blog is just fine Cal. Better than most.
Hell, you're part of a podcast!! Fancy appearance
does not mean better content. You've got the content.