Sunday, November 1, 2015

I Share Because I Care

These are all good but we need to add a few more.
1. Shut your yap when you don't know what you are talking about. If you are going to insult someone at least be creative or don't waste my time with your ignorance.
2. Just be cool. Look out for your friends and don't be the asshole who starts something. Be the person who does the right thing to end something or keep something from starting in the first place.
3. Never be an abuser or tolerate those who are. Don't be an observer of evil.  Be a protector of those who can't or won't protect themselves. Don't hang with people who will not follow this edict. They may be the ones you have to stop one day. Learn to defend yourself if you need to.
4. Respect that other people have it hard too. Nothing harder than being a human being on planet Earth. Respect the journey others are on because you know NOTHING about their pain like they know nothing about yours. There but for the grace of the Gods goes YOU!"
5. Recognize a collaborator in your midst. One who likes or LOVES the Octopus is someone who is easily corrupted by the evil of the cephalopod. Octopus collectors are especially suspect. Don't date a girl who collects octopus. Never ends well.
Feel free to add your own recommendations in the comment section.


Dr. Theda said...

We still like "Tentacles"... and we are only "some-what" Evil...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

On this there can be no compromise. You know how to fight the evil. Don't let them 'getcha'.

csmith2884 said...

Engage your brain, before your mouth.

Ten second rule. Take ten seconds and see if you can answer that question yourself.

DrGoat said...

Learn how to make a bed and be kind to animals.
How to roll a decent joint comes in handy occasionally.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

All excellent suggestions, my brothers. I once say a guy with one arm roll the best joint and flip it into his mouth like Lucky Luke. He was my hero in University.