Monday, November 2, 2015

Star Trek To Return To TV In 2016

I really hope that the new Star Trek series will take my idea about grounding the series at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. You could have a group of first year cadets from many worlds and their instructors face all kinds of issues - prejudice issues, first contact issues, classroom issues, teen issues, Starfleet issues. The concept is ripe with drama and full of roles for attractive young people, the target demographic of this show.

Old stars could re-appear as repeating characters. Worf teaches combat and alien relations. O'Brian and Rom - creative engineering. And there are so many Captains that could show up for a mission or two. You could still have spaceships like the Enterprise and in year three or four you can send your class into SPACE on their first deep space mission. It would reinvigorate the franchise in that syndication year and take the Star Trek idea boldly into the future where it belongs. Someone call my agent.



Tim Knight said...

There's a new Starfleet Academy comic starting soon (from IDW).

Chase March said...

Great idea. They should totally do that!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And some of the REALLY old captains we could see in the nursing home!