Wednesday, January 20, 2016

First ROM And Now The MICRONAUTS Return?

Sure the Micronauts toys were cool, but what made the franchise a classic was the Bill Mantlo/Michael Golden ‘80s Marvel Comics series. Several publishers since, including Marvel themselves, have planned a return to the Microverse but now IDW is taking on the series—and io9 has an exclusive look!
Penned by Cullen Bunn, and with art from David Baldeón and David Garcia—Cruz, the Micronauts series sees fan favorites Biotron, Acroyear, and Space Glider doing battle with the ominous Baron Karza once more. You can check out a little more information about the first issue, as well as all six covers for Micronauts #1 below, making their debut here on io9:



Rod Barnett said...

Now if Marvel could just find a way to reprint their run.....

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I loved that comic. Strikeforce Morituri also.

DrGoat said...

Baron Karza reminds me of Maximillion from that
Disney movie The Black Hole. Nice to see these.
Would be nice to see Marvel reprint.