Wednesday, March 28, 2018


It just gets better and better. PLEASE OH PLEASE let him represent himself at his impeachment hearings. PLEASE OH PLEASE.


DrGoat said...

I'm telling ya, we don't want Pence in there. He's actually more scary. He has an air of normalcy, but he's one of those new christians that don't actually pay any mind to the actual 'teachings' of Jesus, whom they are supposed to emulate.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh I agree. Pence has to go too. But then Ryan becomes Prez. You are just about screwed the post on down the line of succession. We need a Kiefer Sutherland moment. But then Ben Carson would be Prez.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

There are rumours today that Paul Ryan is about to resign. Who knows if they're true or not?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh baby...then it IS about the Line of Sucession and the chess pieces are being moved all over the board because of those damn kids that we raised to be smart and indignant. Damn I love those crazy kids.