Found this sitting ON TOP of a box of comic long boxes high up in the room. All these years they were fading in the sun and I had no idea the frame was up there. Why does this matter. These are the two comics that i had letters printed in - remember when comic books printed those? I didn't say anything great but I was impressed that they printed my words. For a guy who treasures his treasures like they are treasure because they are treasure, this hurts. I will post the letters over at the Cave of Cool if you are still interested. But for those who know I am sure you mourn with me this day.
I was such a loser fanboy.
Still am.
Those copies will always be new and pristine in your heart.
Sorry about your comics! I'm assuming those were your original copies, right? Did you know your letter was going to be printed in any way or did you just stumble upon it when reading an issue?
Now I want to read the Iron Man letter!
Surely with eBay you can - eventually - find replacements?
That letter's really cool. Would love to see the other one sometime.
I will track them down just hurt to see.
I just wrote two letters and both got printed so I think they didn't get many or not many good ones. I bet they hated to include them in each issue. But I was thrilled. Better than a NO PRIZE. And through that Rom letter I met a vet from the states who was dying of cancer and we wrote back and force for about 18 months or so until he passed. He was in a VA Hospital. After he died I got a box with the first FIFTY issues of ROM. From the letter I got with the comics I figure he had a huge collection and he passed it all on to schools and libraries and hospitals. This was all before the internet. Old school pen pals.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as belittling your disappointment at the damage to your treasured comics.
What I meant to say was that thanks to the wonderful age we live in now (???), hopefully, you can go some way to at least scoring some duplicates rather than - as in the old days - having to manually search comic store bins far and wide!
I didn't think you did that at all. You just came up with a solution which is a good one. Next time I am in the big city I bet I can find the in the stakes for about ten bucks each depending on quality.
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