Tuesday, June 4, 2019

More Weekly Headlines

Gather around little children and let me tell you of a time when a two dollar bill meant you could rule the world, if you were aged 6-10. That much money could fuel a whole summer's day's worth of summer kid level debauchery. They really existed unlike millenials who I think are just made up. If you ask me, I think those millenials are made up.
Sigh. I am a polar bear and we don't like the heat. I do have a cool basement and an Ipad so maybe I will survive the heat wave that is coming on the prairies. A hot prairie summer is something to experience I can tell you.  You will be begging to return to 40 below. Good times. At cadet camp we would suffer all day and just after supper the blue skies would become cooling rain and relaxing thunder of lighting and that repeated itself every couple of days. That was the best summer I ever experienced.

Finally, some good news....GAH
The Comedy Gods always reward.

The suffering has only begun.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I have a two dollar bill tucked away in my sock drawer for, you know, emergencies like the end of the world or something.

DrGoat said...

Apart from the natural world, we are, generally, a stupid race. And at this rate, we will infect and destroy the natural world, only to leave a planet of dimwits, going nowhere. Unless something happens that I can't imagine yet.