Thursday, June 13, 2019

More Weekly Headlines

Yeh, this seem about right.
Free hearing aids? Did I hear you correctly?
(See what I did there?)
Elon, baby, stop telling me about these things until you actually HAVE ONE TO SHOW ME. Until then don't talk to me about what you are GONNA do. Show me something what you DID. Show me something that is not just in your head and don't get me started on the sad lack of jet packs coming out of your company. You are the James Cameron of big ideas Elon and yes I am bitter. You promise things you will never deliver on in any way that will allow me to carpet bomb the octopus on the bottom of the ocean from the heated comfort of my driver's seat covered in rich Corinthian leather.
Sure, why not?
 You can't make this shit up.
This is how you know our beautiful nation has lost it's beautiful mind.
Go Raptors Go.
I hear she was making toast in the tub.
Why do the pretty ones keep doing that?

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