Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Nothing Like Going For A Drive At Night

I am kicking myself that I had my IPAD with me but I didn't record the conversation between Pat an I. Often Pat will invite me to go for a drive and the best part is that we rarely talk about ourselves but we zero in on all the evils in this world like Children in Cages, White Supremacy, the idiot trump, the reducing of rights for endangered species and how evil it is not to allow anyone with a disability in the US. Oh and how much we would both like to punch a Nazi in the head. One who clearly and visibly identifies as a Nazi. Pat is a great guy. Our in car conversation show would be HUGE because the conversation is neverstop and it beyond topical. I am lucky to  have his friendship and to find another human being who runs at my frequency. It's amazing how many dumbasses in the world don't.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Record it next time -- "Driving With Pat" could be a new segment on your podcast!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree. Those are some amazing conversations. We both know way too much about the way the world really works.