Saturday, October 12, 2019

More Headlines This Week

I have a rule. If you are from the ocean you stay IN the ocean or you are fair game for the BBQ.  Know your place or become fish and chips. 7/10ths of the Earth is water and that isn't enough for you selfish fish. What is wrong with being an ordinary fish. Stop being a fish asshole who likes to walk on land and evolve lungs. What gills aren't enough for you? Typical fish who think they have the right to walk alongside man. Fuck that.

It's worse that you heard. That Alligator they were trying to get drunk was both female and underage so these perverts NEED to be behind bars before they try to groom any more amphibians.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yeah. That's the face of an alligator molester alright.

Richard said...

If I had to pick the two guys out of a lineup who would do that, it would absolutely be those two guys.