Friday, November 1, 2019

Fuck You Frank

(Click to Enlarge)


jester59388 said...

Dude's a complete idiot. The right to criticize the government and public officials -- including the President --is GUARANTEED by the First Amendment. You know, the one that is right before the Second one that you morons all misinterpret. Or do you only just care about the part that talks about an establishment of religion (also widely misinterpreted by the far right) and all that stuff about free speech, free press and freedom of association are just extraneous words.

Was it disrespectful of the Office? Yes, of course. But so was South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson calling Obama a liar during a nationally televised joint address to Congress. Sure, he apologized, and Obama being the gentleman he is (unlike that orange fool occupying the Office today), accepted it unequivocally. But Wilson was never "held accountable" for his blatant disrespect and lack of decorum and he is someone who should certainly be held to a higher standard than average Americans attending a sporting event. And after all Trump's bleating to have various political opponents investigated, arrested, prosecuted, and or jailed, the plummeted off the moral high ground on this point a long time ago. If you can dish it out, fucker, you better be able to take it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, for Christ's sake. What a fascist!