Thursday, September 10, 2020

Diana Rigg Dead At 82

This one hurts because Diana was one of my very earliest crushes. Caroline Munro was first but Diana was always in the top three. Diana DEFINED the cat suit and no one wore it better while kicking ass than Diana Rigg did. There is no BLACK WIDOW without Diana Rigg's Emma Peale, or Mrs Peale according to John Stead. I always loved the interplay between the two. I also remember Diana as a fashion icon who was the face of the 60s beauty for me. I was never a fan of Game of Thrones but I admire her for 'acting her age' as it were. Respect and love to the first great female superspy.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She was one of my first crushes too and is responsible for my black cat suit kink today. I enjoyed that video of the opening credits -- haven't heard that iconic theme song in a long, long time!