Sunday, August 11, 2024

How To Break Dance

This year, for the first time in Olympics history, dancers from across the world will get to compete in the breaking competition.

Breakdancing, a style of dance at the center of hip-hop culture, was on the rise in the 1980s. This pack of View-Master 3D reels from 1984 in the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture, features 21 pictures to create a how-to-guide to some of most popular moves of the time including the moonwalk, backspins, and windmills.
Alongside the pictures, the reel for breakdancing lists the following instructions:
With ease you’ll slide like skating on ice.
Muscles made tight
To make it look twice as nice
Like a robot, keep stiff.
Arms lift while legs shift.
Slow or fast beat, keep your pace.
Move around or stay in one place.

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