Monday, April 13, 2009

OMG Bigfoot and Wildboy??? WTF????

I was living in Europe at the time and somehow this show missed my pop cultural radar (WTF????) which is too bad because it could possibly be the greatest idea for a show EVER! I remember the Bigfoot on the Six Million Dollar Man...can someone remind me WHY they made the Sasquatch bionic also? And where is my bionic Chupacabra????


Reis O'Brien said...

Oh man! I totally remember this show! I have a vivid memory of my older brother making fun of me for watching it. But I didn't care, I was all about anything Bigfoot back then.

Colin Lorimer said...


Wings1295 said...

Bigfoot was so big in the 70s. I remember this show, but nothing specific. Was part of the stream of Saturday morning goodness that we waited all week to see.

Saturday morning TV sucks now.