Monday, March 1, 2010

North America - Best Continent EVER!

I say this with love to all my American brothers and sisters. It's too bad there couldn't be two gold medal winners because you gave us a hell of a game. Nobody could have beaten that team on our ice with an entire nation behind them. Only you could have come as close as you did. Hockey is not just our game anymore, it's North America's game. It's why you are the best neighbors ever and we would never have it any other way. My unlimited love to you all.


vancouver mark said...

The VPD were confronting people on the street this weekend who carried American flags, and threatening to arrest them if they didn't put the Stars n Stripes away.
"For your own safety, sir!"

It was a wee bit intense on Granville Street last night.

TS Hendrik said...

That game was amazing. When USA scored the goal to tie it up with less than 30 seconds to go, I was... let's say, a little unhappy with Luongo. But it just gave Canada a chance to show off a little bit in OT, so I can't fault them there.

vancouver mark said...

The Canucks dressing room will be interesting this week when Luongo and Ryan Kesler get back in the same room.
Wouldn't be surprised to see Kesler heading out of Vancouver later this year (although I would lament him leaving, the guy is great.)

Sam G said...

Right back at you Canada! Say neighbor...ya think we can borrow the weed whacker? ;)

Robin said...

Normally I don't watch Hockey (except when my home team is in the Stanley Cup - so, like, almost never) and it was amazing! I decided that if the Olympics ever come to my city I'll be buying tickets to the men's hockey games :)

Oh, and I'm in central Alberta like you.

Anonymous said...

I love my friendly neighbors to the north, and can't wait to visit again! North Carolina Gal and wife to Darius Whiteplume (don't hold that against me)

Megan said...


The Man-Cave said...

Nice sportsmanship, my NA neighbor from the GWN. Even in losing, that was the greatest hockey game I have ever seen outside the NHL and maybe even close to topping anything I have seen in the NHL as well. I never took my eyes off the game.