Sunday, January 2, 2011

Daily Reminder - Your Children Are Always A Favored Target


M. D. Jackson said...

Okay, well that top picture caught my eye. Obviously the teacher is trying to distract the students from looking at the cephalopod menace scrawled on the blackboard, but why, I wonder?

On the other hand, why wonder? That teacher's really hot!

Mind you, I guess that's just another way that they getcha.

Kal said...

You are learning your lessons well young Padawan. I like the way the chalkboard has a subtle drawing of an octopus on it. Not only do they try and 'getcha' but they also SIGN their work. Well played ya mutant tentacled bastards.

Sam G said...

There's a cephalopod in the first pic? ;P

Pat Tillett said...

They are showing up EVERYWHERE!!!