Saturday, September 3, 2011

If You Know What All These Words Mean Then You Are My People


Anonymous said...

Do your people happen to be old?

Toni said...

I won a POG Championship at school once. That was a good day.

Gristle McNerd said...

I remember when pogs were suddenly replaced by gogos around here. I happened to have gotten a couple at a promo event a few days before and still my collection wasn't as large as some.

Yeah, I never was a cool kid.

D.I. Felipe González said...

We ocassionally have chips with pogs in México. Pepsico still has them, their local name is "Tazos".

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

All my people have 'old souls' or watch lots of cartoons. Both are cool, Rouise. We all should have patches for our jackets and wetsites. (Cave of Cool Inc.)

What slammer did you win with Toni? Was it elegant or just a chunk of metal that you threw down in an elegant way?

I loved Conkers with the chesnuts but Pogs were fun for about a week before the elementary playground mafia took over the whole operation. It was like Pokemon.

I have a huge muffin tin full of pogs that I picked up at some garage sale for five bucks. Also had a showbox full of old marvel trading cards. That was a good haul.

DrGoat said...

I have a complete set of Simpson pogs, beleive it or not.