Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just Stuff That Me Believe


Belle said...

That is one of the best political cartoon I've seen.

Budd said...

There were government oversites on enron, but enron was bankrolling a lot of politicians. You know who discovered the fraud? Traders.

There was oversite on banks and wall street trading. Banks were forced by government to make risky loans to encourage parity in the housing market for minorities. The Fed also did their magic with rates making it extremely cheap to loan money. You know who saw what was happening and warned everyone in 2003? Ron Paul.

BP, you mean that company with politicians in its pocket. their were regulations in place, but they were not followed or enforced, due to the afore mentioned politicians in their pockets. The same politicians bailed them out and helped them pay for the clean up.

Did you know that pollution that affected neigborhoods and towns was once investigated and the people would sue offending companies and win. Then the EPA came along and made it legal to pollute within limits, or outside of those limits if you were willing to pay a fine.

Big Government is so helpful.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You know that things would have been alot worse without governement regulations. Sure there are examples of where government failed but I would rather trust them than big corporations to look out for my interests.

Budd said...

That is were we diverge, my friend. I don't see that Government and Big Business are all that seperate. Especially after TARP and its offspring. It isn't just the republicans, it is also the democrats. They all profit when the corporations profit. Every last one of them is in the back pocket of someone else, except for Ron Paul. He wants to stop corporate welfare. That is why he doesn't get any press from these news papers and news stations that are owned by these corporate conglomerates.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And Ron Paul is not electable. The who thing just depresses me. I can only imagine how actual Americans feel about their country.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those are all absolutely RIGHT ON!

DrGoat said...

Very good, very true. Really like that quote from Isaac A.