Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's All About The Kitties


Sarah said...

The cat in the leaves and graffiti ones are my favs.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Every cat is beautiful! They have inspired great art over many centuries.

Jordan said...

Don't laugh, but I sort of have this sci-fi fantasy in which cats evolve into intelligent creatures (over millennia) and, in the future, are finally able to intellectually comprehend their deep bond with people, since they (the smart future cats) have centuries' worth of human "cat art" (all of it: from Inigo Jones paintings to Egyptian intaglios to Tom and Jerry) that they can understand and appreciate. In one version of this sci-fi fantasy, the humans are lost or extinct, and there are museums where the future smart cats look at thousands of examples of "lost art" that we made...kittens ask, Who were "humans"? And are told about who we were, and how much we clearly revered them.

I read on Wikipedia that we now consider the human/cat bond to go back at least five thousand years, since an archeological dig somewhere unearthed the mummified skeletal remains of a human child from that long ago who was buried with a cat...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

They are the most noble of creatures. I believe that they protect my soul and have since I was very little. I believe that Cat's can sense death or demons that treaten us while we sleep. I have seen nursing home cats predict the end. I believe they keep mummies from entering our houses.

I love the Stephen King movie - Daywalkers - where all the kitties come and save the day in the end and dance around fires. Good stuff.

DrGoat said...

Kittys are very special. I'm particularly fond of black ones, and tuxedo kittys. That old wives tale of kittys stealing your breath while you sleep is true. They check out Santa's naughty list and go to work. Besides, I haven't had a mummy infestation in 40 yrs. Yep, kittys.