Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's A Real Treat

I haven't had a Pepsi cola in three month. I quit drinking everything except water with Crystal Light and it's exotic flavors. Today a couple of cans came with the Chinese food and I knew I had to reward myself with a glass of shaved ice. I would like to say that it wasn't a big deal but it WAS! I miss the fizz and the caramel flavoring. Sigh. I even don't drink diet carbonated drinks because the aspartame can't be trusted. However it feels better to lose weight and maintain a low blood sugar than to drink seven or eight colas a day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you enjoyed it! But I hope it doesn't start up your Pepsi cravings again.

Belle said...

You've got the right attitude for sure.

Ginger Ingenue said...

Good for you! :)

I haven't drank a brown carbonated drink in ten years.

-- I like the clear ones when I'm sick.

DrGoat said...

Belle is right. You are In like Flint old bean. I can imagine what that Pepsi tasted like. I get to have about 2 Pepsis (throwback of course) a week. Love every gulp.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I can still feel the tingling on my lips.

DrGoat said...

Tastes like....victory.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Damn, now i'm cravin' one!