Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still Magnificent At Venice Film Festival

And not one Idiot Bieber for as far as the eye could see.


Unknown said...

She Is So Beautiful
And So Talented

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She is such a beautiful and wholesome girl. So refreshing these days.

Hobgoblin238 said...

I DO want to just punch that Bieber really hard in the face.

david_b said...

Very lovely now, but tabloid fodder in 10 yrs..?

Hate to trample on well-acknowledged sacred ground here, hoping for the best in her endeavors.

Kal said...

She is the one who will defy all those negative expectations. You can already see Miley go through her 'crazy Britney' stage but I have faith that Selena will avoid all that. She's the real deal.

david_b said...

She is gorgeous, untainted by tabloids.

I pray you're right, sir.