Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quote Of The Day

I like how America is freaking out like “AHHH SAME SEX MARRIAGE AHH TAXED HEALTH CARE OMG AHHHHHH!!! THE WORLD WILL BURN!!” and literally right next to them is their most similar country doing perfect with both of those things like it’s a no-brainer.



M. D. Jackson said...

Same sex marriage, Health Care, Multi party elections, a conservative Prime Minister who is still more liberal than a Democrat president, Paper ballots marked with pencils and counted by hand... it's a wonder that society doesn't just devolve into chaos at any minute.

I used to think that if you took away our hockey, that'd be a different story -- but someone did this year and we're still carrying on buying coffee at Tim's, working our shifts, having a beer... it's like we're robots or something.

Nice and very polite robots, though...

Kal said...

And clean, don't forget clean.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And kind to animals. That's important too.