Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's All The Smokin' Drinkin' And Gamblin' Isn't It?

You can tell they are not Christians because the neighbors are having fun...and swingin' like everyone did in the 70s when these 'Bible Archies' came out. I bet those two card player aren't even married. The woman has a custom made IUD...that she picked up at the nearest national monument before she has all whores do.


Professor Chaos said...

Oh my God, I remember those weird Christian comic books. They used to give them out at amusement parks and other family-friendly places. I remember one with Dennis the Menace that all took place at Marine World and was all about religious messages. Weird.

Kal said...

The Bible Archies are the worse because they trick you until about half way through the comic.

Unknown said...

I think i remember these little bible comics from when i was a kid or at lest something like them.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Why do you think that's a woman?

DrGoat said...

Ha Ha Debra. That is the best one of the day.

david_b said...

Agreed, good one Debra.

There's also the Chic Stone comics.., better know for inking the early FF comics. Not the best inker in the world by far, but his style's pretty distinctive.

Nathan said...

Actually, you can tell they're not Christians because one of them is wearing a Star of David. You just can't see it in the picture.

Kal said...

You are right Deb, that could be a post op transexual which will further infuriate their Christian neighbors.

OH BOY...Jews as neighbors. Those bbq people will be lighting torches and drive them out of the neighborhood by midnight.