Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oh No - He's Gotten On The Dirt Bikes

This is a picture of my 7 year old nephew Alex. He is the type of kid who never stops. He can't move fast enough and like me the world moves way to slow for him. He has been hit by cars, fallen off rocks and trees and seems to only bounce back up when he hits the ground. Of course my sister assumes that he must be indestructible so why not get him involved in dirt bike racing - which I understand he is taking to like a fish takes to water.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Can mudding be far behind?

Kal said...

Oh please, no, not that. Heaven forbid he starts hanging out with the Honey Boo Boo and her ilk.

csmith2884 said...

I started racing moto-cross at that same age.

Kal said...

Best to start when you have no fear, eh?