Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Really Does Get Worse Everyday, Doesn't It?

Now someone is blowing up fit people in shorts. Wasn't there any other way you could make your point, if this is indeed a bomb. Could just be two generators that popped or a gas main...or martians. I vote for martians in league with the octopus. Marsoctopus Attacks! But in reality it will turn out to be human, angry humans with no other way than violence to get their point across. I wish we didn't have to be held hostage by these groups and the media that turns them into celebrities which only motivates the next group who want the fame that go with their despicable deeds.


mshatch said...

I believe there's a better way to get your point across than killing innocent people. Especially at an event meant to promote unity.

david_b said...


These were athletes. Much like musicians and artists, there's no excuse.

Stupid that they were placed near ALL the cameras, but obviously the culprit wanted the most mayhem to cover his escape and cause the most fatalities.

40-50 people now missing legs.


Kal said...

It's really horrific. I really am interested in seeing if this was homegrown or foreign terror.

Mike D. said...

no way to tell until they catch the perp. Hopefully someone knows something or rememebrs something that will halp

Kal said...

In this wired world we should have satellites that cover everything like the way ENGLAND is one huge camera. They can find any event by just going to the tape. Fuck liberty. Maybe if people thought they were being watched all the time they would do less things like this. I am not a terrorist so they can watch me all I want. I am boring. If it saves one person they can watch me shit if they want. But then of course that becomes Big Brother which none of us wants. It's very confusing. I am just sick of bombs and guns and killing.

Betty said...

I refuse to be held hostage. I will live my life knowing I will die and that makes me cram more into it than ever before. People need to stop doing this to each other, but I have little hope of that. I refuse to live my life in fear, paranoia yes but not fear.

Mike D. said...

I like the idea of the camera's everywhere thing. It would be wise for all cities in all nations to adopt this policy...for National security purposes. I don't feel it would be infinging on my rights at all...I have nothing to feel guilty for

Margaret Benbow said...

Probably it'll turn out to be some sick domestic freak who resents paying his taxes (April 15=Tax Day) and thinks that blowing people's legs off and killing little children is an appropriate response. Horrible.

Margaret Benbow said...

Probably it'll turn out to be some sick domestic freak who resents paying his taxes (April 15=Tax Day) and thinks that killing little children and blowing people's legs off is an appropriate response. Horrible.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And it will also turn out that the "point they're trying to get across" is stupid or crazy or both.

DrGoat said...

True cowardice. I'm with david_b. Despicable. Need to be shot immediately when found.