Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last Trailer For Star Trek Into Darkness


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Star Trek Into Darkness is starting to look more like "Zero Dark Star Trek" with this whole "hunting a terrorist" angle. Though I'll admit I'm warming up to it more than I was originally.

Jordan said...

Erik, we've never met, but you're just my aesthetic enemy (and I say that in the nicest possible way). Your gut-level reactions and mine are guaranteed to go in opposite directions every single time.

Last time I noticed this was your extended-play John Hughes dis last month.

I haven't been this excited about a sci-fi sequel since The Empire Strikes Back (which this clearly resembles; it's of-a-piece with its predecessor in a way that has never happened with Trek movies), and the Aristotelian "into darkness" necessities of follow-up narratives have (it seems) never been so directly embodied on the big sci-fi screen.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I didn't dis John Hughes, I just said I didn't have the same emotional connection to his films as others because of the age during which I saw them.

Although having an aesthetic enemy would look good on my resume...

Jordan said...

You said, "Sadly, I've never really been a John Hughes fan" (and elaborated about how you didn't see his movies until you were in college). I saw all his movies in college and loved them.

I mean, how can you not instantly love The Breakfast Club? Oh, well...to each his own. (Likewise Into Darkness, which has been nothing but heroin since the moment it appeared on the horizon...the poster with the Enterprise coming out of the water is Magritte-level beauty.)

(a moment later)
Okay, you said "I should clarify that I didn't dislike John Hughes movies. I think Breakfast Club was very good, but because of the age I saw it and Ferris Bueller, it just didn't stick with me quite the same way as movies I had seen years earlier." So, fair enough...I stand corrected.

Will said...

Honestly I was so psyched about the reboot back in 2009, especially from seeing the Super Bowl commercial earlier that year. Actually seeing the movie was a huge disappointment for me.
Nothing new, nothing original
Cut n paste the hero's journey
Cut n paste from various other Trek, movies, TV animated series
Cut n paste "liberally" Star Wars
Cut n paste action movie tropes.
The sequel has to be darker because Empire Strikes back was darker. Yeesh

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Was that Uhuru and Spock gettin' it ON? Yay!

Jordan said...

@William Mercado...

I honestly don't get it.

You'll never find a bigger Trek fan than me. I'm 46 years old; I grew up on the original show (and can name every episode) and loved everything they've done since (with diminishing returns). And I love everything about the new reboot. I can't tell you how many times I've watched the 2009 movie; it's one of the best sci-fi flicks I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot). It captures the essence of Trek in a way I thought had become impossible. The new one looks even better.

I just don't understand how so many people are finding fault with this awesome new stuff!

Will said...

The movie was unoriginal, plot holes you can fly a Borg Cube through, more style than substance.
I'm 49 watched all Trek shows and movies. I'm not some giddy fan boy who readily accepts without question what ever is put in front of me I know the difference between good and bad quality

DrGoat said...

I've got you both beat. I'm 62. Grew up with all the Star Treks, and I agree with both of you. I've got to the point I just want to be entertained.

Will said...

I don't mind mindless entertainment, if this was JJ Abram's Space Journey or whatever I wouldn't give the movie a second thought just another Hollywood trifle, came & went. But it's Star Trek and that means something to me. I know a lot of bad Trek the 2009 movie is bad Trek. It gave you goosebumps and trills fine but don't try to tell that it was well written & put together. Even my friend who the movie several time admits the 2nd half looks like it was done by monkeys.
The only redeeming feature is the cast who deserves a better script.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell did he get that ship? Did he steal the 1701-E from the future?