Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Random Ray Gun Collection




Debra She Who Seeks said...

My sister and I had plastic see-thru ray guns that had gears and things inside to shoot sparks when you pulled the trigger. Made a grinding kind of whirring noise too, if I remember correctly. One was pink and one was green.

Jordan said...

That's some great stuff!

I remember that damn Space: 1999 gun. That show had the best production design, and the worst toys. It was maddening.

Of course the best sci-fi gun ever is Deckard's piece from Blade Runner.

P.S. Cal, you've got to see the zero-g cats:


DrGoat said...

Wow. Nice items. That Superman Krypto gun is unbelievable.

david_b said...

LOVE the 1999 gun.. It was cool, and it meant business.

Like they say in Hitchhikers Guide, it's the type of gun you REALLY don't want to be on the wrong side of..