Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sweet Hattie Watson





profsafety said...

all great pictures, really like that last one.

Tim Knight said...

There's something about seeing Hattie with a tea cup - I guess it suggests a scenario where you're just walking into your lounge or kitchen and there she is, in all her goddess glory, casually having a cuppa as though she belongs there.

Or maybe I'm overthinking things ;-)

As always, thanks for sharing these, Cal.

Kal said...

No, my brother, I have the exact same fantasies. And then I ask myself, "Where did she get the coffee because I don't drink coffee".

Tim Knight said...

Ha ha! I'd be wondering: "Does my wife know you're here?" ;-)

Kal said...

"She's the one who found me wet in the rain and brought me home to dry off" would of course be the best answer.