Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Oh Yes, This Will Work Out Just Fine

Stay dead draws ever closer. The dead are following the sound of choppers over head. Your battery radio has suddenly burst alive with alerts on all stations. The evacuation has begun. You write down the closest assembly point to your location and gather main supplies. You're sure the military will confiscate your weapons but you're sure they will leave you with your basic gear. A rucksack with a see through bottle of water. A can opener. Sunblock and bug spray. A flash light and your ID. It will be a long hike on your own to the meeting point but you may find companions on the way and maybe, just maybe, this time you could trust them. This world is different to the life you were pulled from. People are dangerous, and the dead don't stay dead.

Now let's combine that with these ZOMBIE WALKS that stupid unarmed people go on. Am I the only one that sees the possibility of a slaughter here? You got all these armed nuts, just looking for something to shoot at. They see a pack of zombies at their local mall and they just might put down their cheeseburger long enough to do something about it. Be a hero to Betty Sue working yonder at the Dollar Store. And once he starts shooting then others start shooting and then there is the running and the screaming and the police who don't understand that you just stopped a Zombie invasion at your local mall. It's all a mess. And you just came into the mall to have a cheeseburger while enjoying your second amendment right to carry an assault rifle wherever you go in public.

Thank the Founding Fathers that the Chipotle is safe.

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