Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another Interesting Meme About Me

1. Do you like bleu cheese? Yes, it's a warrior's cheese.

2. Have you ever vaped? No but I would like to try to vape some Old Toby to see how much better the puff is.

3. Do you own a gun? No Guns In Gotham is my mantra. I hate them. I would rather kill a man with a sword. Takes some skill to do that. No one needs a gun and anyone that wants a gun SO BADLY definately should be denied one. We should attatch a device that measures their erection when they see, touch and shoot a gun. Over a certain level we say NO SIR. Oh and wait until you see what we make them do to get any ammunition. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the AMMUNITION. Can't we track that shit or maybe not sell so much of it to people who keep returning for more of it?

4. What flavor of Kool-Aid? Cherry
5. Do you ever get nervous before a doctor's visit? I am lucky to have great Doctors so I look forward to seeing them actually. I am a delicate hot house orchid that needs special care. I had a hated molar removed today and they were great to me as they were all weekend when I was in deathly pain.

7. Favorite movie? Legends Of The Fall - Golden Voyage Of Sinbad - Black Panther

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? I am not a coffee guy so I get my caffeine from a nice cold can of diet Pepsi.

9. Can you do a push up? I can do many more than you would think for a guy my size. I do about 100 of the ones where you plank yourself and use the stairs to make it a bit easier every night for the past year so I can easily do twenty on the floor.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? When my Dad was in Australia he bought me a copy of the EVENSTAR, the necklace that Aragorn wears in LOTRs. It's gorgeous and is MY style of cross to wear.

11. Favorite hobby or pastime? Being online doing research, watching clips and collecting images to post on my blog. It gives me purpose in a life that has none.

12. Do you have ADD? If anything I am the opposite. I am hyper focused on everything around me.

13. Do you wear glasses? Now. Got them in University and I will never forget how amazing and clear everything was when I first put them on. It was like getting real vision for the first time.

14. Who was your childhood idol? After my Dad, Sinbad from the Golden Voyage

15. Name 4 thoughts at this moment:

a) I am getting Eggs Benedicts for breakfast tomorrow.
b) I want cubed potatoes and not hash browns.
c) Rye bed toast over white.
d) Going out for breakfast Saturday morning is my favorite weekend ritual.

16. Name three drinks you regularly drink: Diet Pepsi, ice cold water, fruit smoothies

17. Current worries? Besides from the world ending in one giant ball of flame thanks to Trump?

18. Current hate? The Idiot Trump and his minions. In a country awash with guns can't SOMEONE take the shot. If it's helps, I call SCORPION!

19. Favorite place to be? In my room with all my stuff goofing around on the computer.

20. How do you ring in the new year? I hate New Years. People try to cram a year's worth of fun into one night. Always a let down.

21. Where would you like to go? Back to Austria or Bavaria - my spiritual homeland. And of course Wakanda but I am not suppose to talk about that.

22. Name 5 people who will do this? Anyone who finds themselves as interesting as I find myself.

23. Do you own slippers? Yes, I am not a savage.

24. What color shirt are you wearing? Black

25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? I don't care. I could sleep on a pile of straw.

26. Can you whistle? One note that the I would use to call Fluffy in from outside and he always came to that note.

27. Where are you now? On my spaceship to Mars. Someone has to do it. But I have said too much already.

28. Would you be a pirate? Only if I can be the Captain and have a cool outfit to wear. Or first mate. The Captain has a lot of responsibility. I just want someone to be loyal to who pays me well for my advice and my skills. ("I thought you were a surgeon." "Yes, but that's not all I am." - Thomas Lowe from Crossones)

29. What song do you sing in the shower? Anything and everything.

30. Favorite sports team? Currently Curling's team Canada - Team Gushue. I loothe long seasons of nothing. It's one big money grab and circle jerk be it baseball or hockey or basketball. Football at least stops at 16 concussion inducing games. I have no time for it.

31. Favorite food? Pizza, Lobster, Beetniks,

32. What's in your pocket? Pixie dust and broken dreams.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Late night comedians ripping into Trump. It's the only thing that is keeping me sane.

34. What's your favorite animal? Kitties. More specifically, my sweet Bebe - The Baroness Frosty Von Katzenhammer of the Salzberg Katzenhammers.

35. Worst injury? I was shot in the face trying to save an abused woman. I was still bleeding and pulling out pellets as I drove to the police station and hospital. I was in a car accident once and my head started the passanger side window from breaking.

36. How many TVs in your house? One.

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Debra She Who Seeks said...

Amusing answers, as always. "Warrior cheese" is inspired!

dan muray said...

Advocating assassination of a president is low and not classy no matter what you think of Trump-----change it by the ballot box if you want change as there has been enough bloodshed for power. Or maybe call Captain America. ha Dan Murray

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh I am sure that you acted is such a low class manner when the black man was President and he wasn't no where near the dangerous idiot that the idiot trump is. And I sure I am not alone in training of pets to take the shot. He owes one right between the eyes for his entire life of being a douchebag. If you ever had any dealings with him you wouldn't want to tongue kiss him so much. But thanks for being brave with your opinions that can run counter to my own.

And don't worry, the ballot box destruction of the Right is coming this November and it is long overdue. THEN you guys can freak out knowing that liberals are in change and hug your guns ever tighter.

dan muray said...

Sigh...Why the racism and destruction----need to get along and not be so angry. Jeezzz

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Sure, once we remove ONE boil on the butt of this world that is not ENRICHED one bit by his contributions to it.