Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Cosplays I Love Around The Cave Of Cool - Avant Geek

AvantGeek burst on the scene this year and from the moment I saw her work I was amazed at not only her design skills but the imagination she uses to add those little touches that change an ordinary costume to a work of costume ART.

I was very happy to see her get this spot at an important upcoming convention. Yaya Han and LeeAnna Vamp were there at the start and without their effort cosplay would have remained a subculture. Now its a legitimate school of design which should be taught at schools of Art and Design because of all the skills that can be transferred to the entertainment and the fashion industry.

From her art to her finished product.

Riddle, one of the all time great cosplayers now makes props, costumes, make-up applications and other items for films like INFINITY WAR and ENDGAME and those were skills she perfected as a young girl with a passion for making her cosplay costumes the best. Now she gets paid for what she loves to do and she is GOOD at it. All the great costumes and props that you enjoy in your favorite superhero films are no doubt made by someone who started out a a cosplay hobbyist.

AvantGeek has the skill and passion to make this 'hobby' into a career.

I saw this ad and had to send an encouraging comment.
You have come a long way in a short period of time because you have real talent, imagination and design skills. You are the real deal and will one day be one of the imortals like Yaya and Leeanna. You got the goods, kids. You owe it to yourself to chase your dream as far as you can. Always a fan.
Watermelon dress is hella creative.
I especially love her picture tutorials that show with just a little bit of imagination, you can turn dollar store purchases into the perfect details that make a costume memorable.


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She is clearly extremely talented. Good to hear that cosplay can lead to a well-paying serious career in the movies.