Saturday, March 2, 2019

I Love The Way AOC Makes All The Hillbillies Crazy

Am I the only one that hopes she dresses as Wonder Woman next Halloween?


notaleftie said...

The more AOC and her communist cabal talks about killing farting cows; trains that fly across oceans; ending all cars, trucks, boats and planes; knocking down all homes and buildings; free housing for all provided by Big Brother; guaranteed income whether you feel like working, or not; abortion in every pot (even after the baby is born alive); and let’s not forget her love for socialist hellholes like Venezuela and hatred for Israel…add these up and it spells…Trump landslide in 2020.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She is their worst nightmare! Female, beautiful, smart, Latino, left-wing. Go, girl, go!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Same old lies from the right. They are terrified of her or else they wouldn't bother. Go ahead, debate her. Put your idiot up against her and she will have him for lunch.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's right! She will feast on his carcass and pick her teeth with his bones, as they say.

notaleftie said...

Where did I lie delusional Calvin?? She says we’re all going to die in 12 years because of global warming, so no one should reproduce. You delusional idiots.The Democrat leadership is already planning to remove her district for the 2020 election. She won’t have anywhere to run. That’s how much they like AOC, after one month of listening to her hysteria, delusion and babbling fantasies.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

blah blah blah...all the ideas your side comes up with are not helping anyone in the least. I will take any suggestions she gives to unbalance the evil patriarchy then I will listen to her over your side every single time. And if you believe that ONE woman has the power to fundamentally stop you from being a dumbass then you really are a dumbass. She could mimic trump's policies and attitudes and you all would still hate her because the Latina women are coming to get you to take your guns and your kidneys to give to those on welfare. BE AFRAID.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But since you are ENJOYING the ass rape that trump and his ilk are giving I won't try to convince you to change your view. Every lie you believe and ever con job you let him perpetrate on you makes you a fool that deserves to pay higher taxes, go backrupt from medical care and drink poisoned water. But you do have your racism still so that will keep you warm at night.

notaleftie said...

What a dumb-ass socialist you are. DUMB.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But you still come back to be annoyed by the truth so who is the dumb one?