Thursday, March 31, 2011

The A-Z Challenge - April 1st - April O'Neill

As you all know the A-Z Challenge is set up to have people dedicate themselves to posting daily and use the alphabet to guide what they choose to write about. Tom suggested that I limit myself to only one post a day. I considered that for a half second because that WOULD be a radical change from what I do now. I might even keep a few of the new followers that I am picking up but will probably loose when I overwhelm their dashboards.

Letter A - April O'Neill

"I always felt that the whole story of the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' was just a made up delusion in the mind of overworked investigative reporter April O'Neill. I once saw a picture of her in an insane asylum complete with padded walls where she was interviewing an ordinary turtle. Her mental break makes sense.

We know that chemical waste (the ooze) would only kill reptiles with it's radiation rather than cause them to grow to human size and give them the speech patterns and appetites of teenage boys.

She doesn't exactly dress like a reporter but as someone doing a story on waste products being illegally dumped into the city sewers. Without proper ventilation equipment she had her noodle scrambled and started to see anthropomorphized turtles, wisdom spouting rats and ninja foot soldiers under the command of a guy covered with kitchen knives."

Come back tomorrow for THE LETTER B.


M. D. Jackson said...

Makes sense to me. Such a tragic story, such a senseless waste of a fine mind and a...

Jesus Carimba! Look at those boobs!

...uh... I guess I got distracted. Sorry, what were we talking about?

Soooz Burke said...

Lmao...hi guys! I'm cruising by on the A-Z freeway all the way from Oz.
love the blog and the choice for the letter A is inspired.

Me...take a look..Douglas Adams helped me with my post sort of...

here 'tis

Jan Morrison said...

hmmm...I considered doing bazongas for my b word, which is odd really, as I'm an old grandma. Oh well, you've filled the spot, so to speak!
Jan Morrison

Misha Gerrick said...

Hmm... now that you put it this way, I can totally see it.

Yeah, it puts the whole series into perspective.


Wings1295 said...

Cool start. Was never a big TMNT fan, myself. My oldest watched, now and then. Interesting to see what else you come up with this month!

Budd said...

Those are the two greatest April pictures ever.

You think she is in the assylum with sweet pea and baby doll?

baygirl32 said...

love TMNT!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

That's funny. The first pic reminds me a bit Famke Jensen.

Unknown said...

my son is 5 and I am always wondering about this story and show he watches.. and April well.. I am always wondering how appropriate it is for a 5 year old.. to see Aprils get ups...

Tamara McRill said...

No TMNT? All just the imagination of some toxic waste huffing reporter with fashion issues? Say it ain't so!

Belle said...

I couldn't sleep at night wondering who was behind Mutant Ninja Turtles. Now that I know, I am at peace. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You're right about the way she dresses.

Unknown said...

you are dead on about her appearance and I see the logic in all that you say but I grew up with the TMNT and I have to stand by my Raph, Don, Leo and Mikey! They were great fun when I was younger and I have to admit Secret of the Ooze is still on my top list for movies I love.

I love that you posted this can't wait to see tomorrow's.


C R Ward said...

Hmm, the way she's dressed you should have featured her on B for Boobs or C for Cleavage. LOL

I wonder what happened to the turtles once they grew up?

Kal said...

They do what all regular radiated turtles do. They get older and they die.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Calvin. You are cool! I have come from the land of A-Z, and am now following you. I always enjoyed April O'Neill, and admired her for being best friends with Ninja Turtles. Besides, she's the only girl on the show.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Kathy M.

TS Hendrik said...

That is the best TMNT interpretation I've heard.