Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Batman Superman Move

Bruce Wayne - "It's ironic. Lois likes Bruce Wayne and she likes Superman. It's the other two characters that she's not crazy about."

Superman - "It's too bad we can't mix and match."

This was the first 'World's Finest' animated movie that combined Superman and Batman fighting the Joker and Lex Luther as a team. The animation if in the style of those great Superman and Batman cartoons from the early 90s. Truly classic stuff here. Tim Daly is Superman, Keven Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill playing the Joker, lead a great team of voice actors. Bruce Timm and Paul Dini make the animation clean and exciting.

I liked remembering a time in the comics when the two heroes were not best friends and actually mistrusted each others motives. Oh how young and naieve we were back then.

8/10 (for old school nostalgia)


Jeff Beesler said...

Hi, Calvin! Dropping by your blog to say a quick hello. I think Batman could kick Superman's rear with the right kind of rock any day! Enjoy A-Z!

Nomad said...

sorry is this a question?
Do not understand.

Jeff said...

My favorite Batman line ever happens in this movie, where Bruce tells Clark to treat Lois right:

"She's all yours now, if you can handle that. But you'd better be good to her... because I know where you live."

Even though delivered by Bruce, that's a total Batman line.

Good movie, gonna have to dig it out and rewatch, thanks for reminding me.

Anonymous said...

Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero from 1997 is another excellent comics-based movie. I always thought it's the movie that Batman & Robin should have been. Michael Ansara as the voice of Victor Fries was perfect casting.

Kal said...

I like going back to watch those early years of the Superman and Batman cartoons before the Justice League and all the movies where Batman/Superman are automatically friends. There was actually a time when they didn't trust each other and their friendship was hard won with rivalries like the lovely Lois Lane. Bruce Timm and Paul Dini sure are owed a debt of gradititude for what they contributed to geek culture.

Kal said...

Mr. Freeze was always the most sympathetic character of all of Batman's rogues gallery. He is someone in real pain who has to look at the frozen visage of his one love every day. It would drive me crazy and angry too.

M. D. Jackson said...

Speaking of WORLD'S FINEST oin film, have you seen this?

Kal said...

I love that! I have never seen it before but it had energy and people who took the goofy thing they were making seriously. God bless the fanboys and fangirls.

Hobgoblin238 said...

It is a Sandy Collera film. Same guy that did Batman DeadEnd...

Kal said...

'Dead End' was the first real superhero fan film I saw and it made me realize how much potential amatuer filmmakers had to make quality shorts.

Sam G said...

This is one of my favorites! Loved Harley vs Mercy.

Mike D. said...

Me & Mikey watch this one all the time... so great!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the evil gleam in the Joker's eyes!

Anonymous said...

Great post. You're fun.