Saturday, April 16, 2011

Comic Page Of The Week

There is nothing more terrifying than being charged by a Gorilla carrying a big spoon. Of course your initial reaction is one of shock.

They you start to form questions in your mind like - "Why is a Gorilla carrying a spoon? Do they even make spoons that big? Where would a Gorilla purchase or come across such an item? Is he mad because we interupted his nutricious breakfast of Fruit Loops with banana slices?

I NEED to know these things because I know it will bug me all week if I don't come away with some logical explainations.

It's too bad that by the time I open my mouth to ask my questions I find I have already been dead for the last two minutes. Now some Gorilla is using a big silver spoon to scoop out my beautiful grey matter.

Just another day in the jungle.


Pat Tillett said...

If he eats your brains, he's have to deal with the zombies...

Kal said...

Isn't that just like a Gorilla. They never plan ahead.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Perhaps he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth as, you know, the KING of the jungle?