Friday, April 22, 2011

New To The Cave of Cool Children's Book Mobile

Mommy had a hard time passing your medicine ball sized head through her loins. That meant that things 'down there' were never quite the same afterwards. Despite many months worth of her vaginal strenghten exercising, she found out that she was no longer up to the high dancing and body standards expected at the 'Itchy Kitty'.


Unknown said...

Haaa, haa "Itchy Kitty" nice..

csmith2884 said...

Standards, you guys have standards at the Canadian ballet? Oh another reason I wish I was Canadian 'eh.

Shawn said...

What's funny is, that the mother of 3 of my kids, was just that... BTW - NOt a good idea to impregnate a stripper... Great kids though!

Kal said...

How can you feel remorse about getting a stripper pregnant? At the point of conception you were in no position to think this one through to it's logical confusion. Really, a stripper? You must have had some MAD GAME back in the day.