Friday, April 15, 2011

The Saddest Part...

Is that in some parallel universe, this is exactly how 'Watchmen was done'. It proved to be such a horrible event that it lead to the downfall of that entire alternate civilization. Life imitating art as they say.

Rob Liefeld is the Devil and the single worst artist to ever take up a pencil and call his finished product 'a comic'. He makes Texara and Jae Lee looking like Mignola and Kirby. In a medium with already exaggerated human proportions his characters stand out - or they would stand out if he ever drew feet for them to stand on. GAH!

If I was a Time Lord the first stop I would make would not be to go back in time to kill Hitler. Instead, I would travel to the mid eighties with a plastic drycleaning bag to smother that hack.

Sure I know it would create an alternate timeline that can actually be WORSE but I am willing to take that chance. Think about it, no 'Youngblood', no 'Heroes Reborn' no 'Cable', no issues 75-100 of 'New Mutants', no 'X-Force' would ever had existed if Leifeld wasn't around.

I would be the golden age of man. If you don't know who Rob Leifeld is just think of him as the Justin Beiber of comic books and let the hate flow through you.

Along with the picture above I couldn't leave without adding his Captain America. Remember, this was a SERIOUS attempt that was APPROVED by someone high up in the Marvel comics hierarchy and released to the public. He should have been laughed out of the office or better yet, thrown out of the window.

Gah! I tell you, GAH!!!

Thanks to Brother Budd who sent me this list of the 40 worst pieces of Leifeld art. Be warned though, it is not for the faint of heart so I don't take responsibility for any throwing up you may do after seeing this collection.


Tim Knight said...

Waah? Cap's got boobies???

Matt said...

What's your beef with Jae Lee?

Kal said...

Cap has well toned D-cups Acrobatic Flea.

Jae Lee has gotten a lot better over the years but like Texara he uses too much black in his work to cover up things he doess't want to draw. Mignola does the same thing but he is not indescriminate like Lee is. Mignola shows you what you need to see and his visual style is very controlled and apealling. Lee's is not - well at least his early stuff wasn't.

Budd said...

in the 90s teens loved his style. Once we learned something about proportion in art class or looked at more than the giant guns or big boobs, then we saw the problem. At thirteen I never saw past those things and neither did my friends. He is the devil.

Budd said...

Leifeld's 40 worst

Kal said...

That list was awesome. I have to add it to the post.

TS Hendrik said...

I don't know, I kind of liked Jae Lee's work on The Dark Tower series.

Kal said...

His stuff has gotten better over the years. I was mostly speaking of his early stuff.

Unknown said...

I laughed my ass off reading that. Always thought Rob Liefeld was just in the right place at the right time. A talentless hack if you ask me. I never bought one of his comics, I just hate the look of his 'art'.

Kal said...

He was always the least talented member of that team that left Marvel for Image. His art was sub par at best and he had no idea how to proporly construct a story. His characters were not unique but just stolen variation on heroes that had already existed.

Mike D. said...

Listen, I agree with you all of you that Liefeld is a d-bag, but he did create Deadpool... even though Deadpool is completed overused in the Marvel Universe rght now, he is by far one of the greatest characters ever created. That gets him a minor pass with me.

Back in the 90's B.D. (Before Deadpool) he was a cpmplete joke... but I'm glad he got the oppurtunity to create a really cool character a bit after that. Just my thoughts.

PS- Was that Cap of Jenna Jameson?