Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Speak It Loud Brother Ike

I think this is just about the greatest Canada related image I have ever seen. THAT brother is a patriot.


Unknown said...

Hey...nice leaf

Kal said...

We get a bit loopy up here for the maple leaf and syrup. Have you had a maple dipped donut recently? It will change your life.

Unknown said...

It is funny you ask..that was breakfast this morning! Super yummy!! You guys know how to work the maple.

Tempo said...

Ah Kal...I dont like sweet stuff much and I really dont like Maple syrup at all, it's MUCH too sweet for me. as for the loony in the costume..we have loonies here too.

M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, that sweet stuff is bad for you. You want to eat healthier.

Here, have a plate of poutine!

Kal said...

Tempo, you taste buds have been spoiled by that vegemite sludge. You need to have your blood drained and replaced by that sweet sweet maple.

I am doing okay with that MD. I went nuts on box of timbits the other day but I HAD TO. They were SO worth the hours they took off my life.

DrGoat said...

I LOVE maple syrup....that stuff you sent is Spice to me.
So Cal, is it true there a no maple trees in Alberta? Or at least the kind that produce syrup?
Darlene, the Canadian I work with sez the trees that produce syrup are all in Ontario and other eastern provinces.
You did have to mention maple dipped donuts, didn't you.

Kal said...

The majority of the maple trees are in the Eastern parts of North America but we make sure it's shipped to all points.

csmith2884 said...

Vermont that's all just Vermont you got the curling, were keepin the syrup thing.