Saturday, April 21, 2012

Avengers Vs X-Men - Again With The Phoenix Force

I am a little bored with yet another story that is trying to recapture the magic of the 'Dark Phoenix' storyline from the 80s glory days of the series when it was the ONLY title about mutants being produced by Marvel Comics. Today there are more than 10 that feature mutant characters prominently.

It seems that once again the 'Phoenix Force' chose to inhabit another redhead that happens to be on the X-men at the time it returns to Earth. The reason for the heroes to fight seems really flimsy - story wise. I feel like they are just throwing everything they can into the story with no consideration how this will affect the future of the X-men.

It's so clear that Cyclops is out of control and paranoid and becoming as dangerous as Magneto was in his prime. I guarantee you that the future will be alot about a more militant and fascist Cyclops. He has seen his 'people' victimized and attacked and marginalized and patronized to for too long. He can't see beyond his bitterness.

Remember for his WHOLE LIFE he has been hunted and threatened. His is one of the mutants with only a slim control over his powers. He has no control over when the energy comes out of his eyes. EVERY TIME he opens his eyes, he fires enough energy to destroy half a block. So he can NEVER relax. He can never not be thinking about what a shitty thing it is to be a mutant.

He is the unquestioned leader of all the remaining free mutants on the planet. He even has guys like Namor and Magneto bending to his will. He created Utopia as a haven for mutants and once again they are attacked? By the same government that once released the Sentinels on them. Cyclops commands an impressive array and variety of superhero talent that he can exploit for attack or defence. They are fanatically loyal to him and share his vision of a world were mutants can live in peace - even if they have to fight to the death to do so.

Avengers Vs X-Men #2


Mitchell Craig said...

Your thoughts run pretty much along mine regarding Scott Summers. Ever since the death/rebirth/death of Jean Grey, he has become more like the enemies he's been fighting for years. Combine this with the fact that his people are on the verge of extinction and you have a man staring into the abyss.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cyclops winds up dead when Avengers vs. X-Men runs its course.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Not dead but rejected by his people which is a fate worse than death for him.

Mitchell Craig said...

I'm opting for's kinder.