Monday, October 22, 2012

Romney Blimp Crashes And Burns - It's A Sign From Your God

You can't make this up -- an "America Needs Romney" blimp crash-landed Sunday in a heavily Democratic area of Florida. Rumor has it that all it needed was more hot air.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Let's hope it's a harbinger of Romney's election results. I can't believe he's neck-and-neck with Obama. WTF is this world coming to????

Kal said...

Those polls are created by news organizations to keep the election closer than it actually is. Watch the popular vote after the election. I bet every single poll in the past six months will have been proven to be poor indicators of the true mood of the nation and their preferences for President. The President has a better chance if people think he could loose so they have to get out and vote.

david_b said...

Kal, you are ABSOLUTELY correct regarding close polls.

I tend to be the guy who sits back and observes the entire 'machine' in motion, how things are timed to 'suddenly appear', like back in 2000 with Gore on cover of 'Rolling Stone', late-breaking weekend-before-election report of Bush DUI in Northeast, etc.. That election was a dead-heat in actuality, but for most, it's nonsense.

Zogby, Gallup, and Rasmussen all have Rom up 5-6% over the President for the last few weeks, yet NBC Nightly News last night reported 'their' own MSNBC poll stating dead-heat at 47%.

It's ALL for ratings, folks. Pure and simple. Hence why all the polls for last 4 elections have been 'dead-heats'. Networks aren't stupid...: Dead-Heats always bring viewership up.

Rom also has Electoral Lead over the President per, but that doesn't really mean anything at this point. States can easily change up, and the toss-up states can go either way, despite who's 4-5% points ahead on popular vote.

University of Colorado's predicting a Rom win, having not been wrong in over 30yrs of predicting, we'll just have to see.

DrGoat said...

Spot on about the polls. Just network BS for ratings.